
Some ask me why did I start a security company? Maybe this story will help you understand why we do what we do.

When I moved into my community there was only five houses on my street, three on one side and the other two a quarter of a mile down the road. One day, I was cooking lunch and my son came in the kitchen to tell me, “mom there are police walking around in the yard” I go to open the door and there was a cop and a lady standing in my front yard. I asked, “is there a reason why you’re walking around my house without making yourself known…you are scaring my son?”

He apologized and introduced himself, then explained the house up the street was robbed and the lady with him is the victim. He said they were going around asking everyone in the community did we hear or see anything? According to the lady who was robbed, it happened in broad day light while she was at work, there was no forced entry and the perpetrator entered through the garage. The officer said they may have backed up a truck and started loading things in the bed of the truck because everything was gone.

I remember thinking at that every moment, while looking at my neighbor crying, if there was security patrolling the area this would not have happened. I cannot imagine being at work all day thinking I’m coming home to a place of peace. Just to find my house empty, something I have worked so hard for, gone within minutes would just blow my mind.

We passionately believe that no resident, community member or homeowner should ever have to face such an invasion of peace. It is imperative to have security patrolling your premises, one should always be protected. Our aim is to never give an offender the chance to take any precious items away from the families and properties we are privileged to serve.